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                                                                         Annotation #3


    For my third annotation, I decided to read a blog. The blog is titled “Adderall: College Students’ Best Friend-- Or Worst Enemy?” The author pulls out a lot of facts, which she cites at the end. The blog describes college students and Adderall, claiming that 1 in 5 college students admit to taking the drug while not being diagnosed with ADHD. This pill wasn’t designed for people with depression or who need to boost their athletic performance, but merely for people to focus and get work done. She says that students don’t feel “more smart” but they just feel concentrated and on task. Students claim that if they don’t take Adderall they will fail a class, if they do take it they will improve in that class. The author reveals that severe cases of college students taking Adderall come when they start snorting or inhaling it. Students claim that it is a small price for an “A.” In the end, after all her research, the author comes to the conclusion that she would not want to take Adderall and instead have self motivation. She should not need a pill to make her do her work.


    I think this article is really nice because it is a blog and the author has tons of facts that she sites. She views both sides of college students and Adderall and also provides background of the pill. It rises questions like do students really think this pill will get them an A? Do students start to take it and pretend it is working for them because other students say it does and they want to fit in? How abusive can this drug get? Do students take more and more Adderall in hopes of getting better grades? How will this affect them in the long run?


    Jenkins, Kristen. "Adderall: College Students' Best Friend-- Or Worst Enemy?" Web log post. Http:// N.p., 17 Apr. 2007. Web. 22 Oct. 2013.



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